
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Thank you for smoking.

11.      What do you feel is the message the director is trying to express in this movie?  Support your answer with examples.
(Super cool way to introduce the important people that made the movie...also sweet intro song.

The message of this movie was that we are more than our Jobs. As Americans (generalization, I know) once we realize we are the best at something we revel in it. Even if it’s not positive…I can eat more than anyone….I have the worst month…ect.
(Best at death toll?)

 In the interview with the Heather when asked why he smiles and says “because I’m good at it” and later “I just need to pay the mortgage.” 

(...and here is where I feel he breaks character by telling the REPORTER all his know the ones that could destroy his life and career. Smile.)

After he was fired and some issues with his kid (the tough spot he was put in when he was in LA and had to talk with the old cowboy) he realized that he could use his skills in other businesses.
(Hush money + Kid + Gun wielding cancer cowboy + Smooth talking = Great scene!)

(Learning the family trade)

22.       If applicable , discuss if you think this movie has accurate depictions of minorities or if they are situational? Why or why not?
s     In the scene where Nick talks to the boss all of the waiters were black. The movie goes out of the way to only show them as workers...almost like robots...less then human. I'm not sure what the movie was trying to show but it did come off as raciest.
(The boss that is also...maybe a raciest.)
(Even in death...)


33.       Explain if you think the director’s ethnic/cultural/professional background played a role in directing this film?
His parents where directors of late 60’s productions and has seen how cigarettes have been used in the media.

(Cowboy + Smoke's = Tough....right?)

44.       What groups (people of color, nationality, culture, class,gender etc.) may be offended or misinterpret this movie and why?
Anyone working for the Cigarette, liquor, or firearms industry could take offence to this movie. All of these characters were made to look like they only care about money and for the most part are heartless.
(HEY...not all death dealers are heartless...some like people and junk.)

 Oh and African-Americans.
(Robot pallbearer?)

55.       What the movie added to your visual literacy?
The way they used the “freeze frame” and add weird animations to the screen I felt was clever and fun. When they introduced the MOD squad I couldn’t help but rewind and watch that again. It was a great way to let the audience know these people are important and you need to know them.
(Wish this was a real thing that happens in real life.)

66.       What kind of artistic and/or visual means did the director use in the movie to focus our attention?
I would say the biggest one would be the freeze frame and the animations

77.       Additional comments/and or analysis/and or other movies recommendations (optional).
Honestly I loved this movie! I have recommended this movie like 10 times only to find all my friends have seen it…so I guess I was the last person to watch it. Story of my life.
(Hey I just sew this really cool...slightly about a man who rep's cig...oh you have seen it...and you liked it. is a little raciest isn't it...)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Aha! 3

So from working on the midterm I answered the question “Explain how symbols influence communication.  Discuss and provide examples of action language (reflexive actions, conventional signals, appearance, physical attributes, gestures, roles, groups, and space.)” I read through this chapter for class but I didn’t really explore the chapter to deeply or think about all that much after I read it but for the midterm I dug in to the chapter again an found it amazing. It inspired me to do right an aha blog about it. In this blog I will be using pictures of me for examples of the 8 different styles of action language.

Reflexive actions: nonverbal cue beyond voluntary control.
So thing of things like blinking with you gets something in your eye, shivering when you are cold, or the motion to gulp or swallow. These actions are things that we never learned to do but we do them out of reflex. In movies and TV they are used to communicate with the audience without having to work in dialog. It helps set the mood or put the view in the seen
        (motion of gulp or swallowing)
conventional signals: signs that are agreed upon by society or a culture that is normally enforced by law.
I talked about this one quite a bit in my fist blog post about visual symbols in my life.
(Gas gauge)
Appearance:  the act or fact of appearing, as to the eye or mind or before the public.
Physical attributes: refers to the outward phenotype or look of human beings
Roles: the rights, obligations, and expected behaviorpatterns associated with a particular social 


Groups: any collection or assemblage of persons or things; cluster;

(This picture combines appearance (suits), physical attributes (strong jaw lines), Roles (clearly we are all bosses), Groups (self explanatory))

In this action language I combine it with physical attributes, roles, and groups. We use this to group with others like ourselves; attract a mate, or compliant physical attributes. To do this we tend to use clothes and body shaping to change our appearance. We even use our appearance to establish roles inside groups. A combination of all of these symbols to help use communicate how we have defined ourselves

Gestures: a movement or position of the hand, arm, body, head, orface that is 
expressive of an idea, opinion, emotion, etc.

Space: territory and personal
(Gestures (the "mean" face I have on) and Space (clearly getting into my personal space)

The use of gestures and need for space (territory and personal) are the lost forms of action language. Gestures can be involuntary or intentional to prove a point. This can play right into space that all humans need to have. Gestures can tell others to stay way (a mean face or a growl) or beckon a mate to come closer (bedroom eyes or kissy lips). Hall, the author of the silent language, believes that the majority of human history has to do with space. Weather its taking land or keeping what we have safe from outsiders.